Yes! More sun! which means we have been able to get on the landscape to do all sorts of jobs. This week we have planted out our potatoes, potted up a large number of seedlings includingchillies, tomatoes and peppers. So far we have over 6 varieties of tomato. We have planted our first early potatoes; Casabalanca. I look forward to new potatoes. It is one of the other things about eating seasonally; food becomes more of a treat. In some ways we have been spoiled by the supermarket 24/7/365 food. It is good to be able to have what you want, but if you can get it all the time, it is easy to take it for granted.
In this weeks veg box the carrots are from Kirton Lindsey, a different farmer but still as local as we can get.
In the health food supplies side of our veg boxes we took on a couple more lines of product including date syrup and we now have some Tempeh in jars. This is an excellent meat substitute and easier to digest than soya. We also have a new stock of coconut oil. Sadly we do have a few out of date items, (I hate to have waste) These are for sale for half price and include wasabi peas, hemp seeds and some fair-trade cookies. We need a few more customers ordering from us to reduce this to a minimum. We would encourage any of our customers to call on site to look at our full range of stock. Also you can find an up to date list at this web address or you can request a paper copy.
Dont forget every pound you spend with us, the 60p goes back into the local community….. spend the same money in a super market and 70p leaves the area!
Our open day last week went well, we had demonstrations of some of the services we can offer on site and had plenty of great ideas from people keen to add to the areas only environmental and agricultural community enterprise.
Please do recommend us to anyone who you think would like to support us or who would benefit from our services.
Thanks for your continued support,
Sean, Kylie and the Veg box team.
PS we have just a few jars of local honey for sale for £4.50. (Not ours but the bees are from just down the road in Bradley)