Veg Box News 09.09.13

In this weeks veg box we decided to give you Corn on the Cobb again. The season for them is quite short and the last lot we had were absolutely delicious. We hope you don’t mind? English sweetcorn are a lot sweeter than imported because the time from farm to fork is shorter, meaning less of the natural sugar turns to starch. English sweetcorn is not GM, unlike stuff imported from America. Always look where your food comes from. Also in the box are some of our own chillies. They aren’t very hot so hopefully you will like them. Don’t forget remove the seeds if you don’t want them too hot and remember to wash your hands well, after chopping them. They can be used in chillies, stir-fry’s and curries.

 So the unusual looking thing in your box is a Celariac, I like to use it by peeling and mixing with mash potato. It takes a little while less to cook than potatoes so either cut it into larger chunks or chop the potatoes smaller. You can boil it in the same pan. Another way to use it, is to grate it raw for a salad. It makes a great coleslaw. I also include a recipe I found on the Guardian website as in interesting Dairy Free Risotto. I will be making it at the weekend and will let you know how mine went. Incidentally you can buy most of the ingredients from us too! 🙂

 Well the weather had that first bite in the air this week, sat in the office I had to grab an extra layer of clothes. We can see the tomatoes starting to slow down in their ripening. If it is like last year we will have a load of green tomatoes at the end of the season; good for green tomato chutney if anyone is feeling creative.

 We will be running the salad boxes till the end of September, but after this they will have to most likely change as the price of salad stuff will increase due to having to buy in salad from growers with heated greenhouse or imports from abroad. We will let you know nearer the time.

 On the Landscape we have lots of squash ready. In the £10 box this week you will find a patty pan squash (or butternut if we don’t have enough). They keep really well so we will be giving you them in the other size boxes in the next couple of weeks. We also have a limited number of pumpkins growing including 2 absolute monsters, pictures will be appearing on the website and facebook soon! Talking of facebook we are nearly at 1000 likes… if you haven’t already please find us and like our page for a chance to win a free veg box.

Thanks for your continued support!


Don’t forget we sell FREE RANGE Eggs from Chickens NOT fed on GM soya. Most other non organic eggs will be from GM fed chickens.