Veg Box News 07.04.14


Early warning  A week on Friday 18th is Good Friday, we are closed. Any FRIDAY CUSTOMER still wanting a veg box (but it will be delivered on the Thursday) Please email if we don’t hear from you we assume you don’t want a box. Sorry for any inconvenience.

So I’m back from my week in Wales. Even while on holiday I thought about my work here and took the time out to visit a biodynamic farm and an organic growing project. It was reassuring to see that there are so many other projects working towards a more natural way of working. It is a real shame that more farmers in Lincolnshire and particularly round here don’t realise the benefits of growing organic. The projects I spoke to had very good results with very reasonable yields and most importantly they weren’t damaging the ecosystem with artificial chemical sprays etc. It was also interesting to note that even the organic project had to have imported veg to supplement what they could grow on their own site. I chatted to the owners and found out even for them at this time of year it was very difficult. This made me feel better that we are doing all we can, as even larger projects have to use imported veg to deliver a 50 weeks a year service.

The only Carrots we could get this week were pre washed but they are English. I’m sorry to give you beetroot 2 weeks in a row but we are trying to minimise on the use of imported veg. We include a lovely beetroot soup recipe or you could try pickling or even juicing them raw with a bit of lemon juice. Have a look at for some other great ideas! If you make up some pickling vinegar you can even do this to the red cabbage too! The tomatoes are English, the first lot of glasshouse grown from just north of Hull.

Don’t forget we are now also selling Salad and fruit boxes for £6.00 but if you also buy a veg box then they are discounted to £5.50. As always collections from site receive a 50p discount as we have saved on delivery costs.

We’ve included one of our new leaflets with your box so if you know any of friends or neighbours that might be interested please do pass on our details.

Thanks for your continued support, Sean, Kylie and the Veg box team.


We have just a few jars of local honey for sale for £4.50 (Not ours but the bees are from just down the road in Bradley).

As always the free range eggs are ½ dozen for £1.50.

Six pack of sweet peas for £1.00 (ready to go in).