Wow a new month, how the time flies by! More stuff coming off the land and more stuff needing planting out. We have some rather interesting varieties of lettuce that are nearly ready. They are not a main crop but we will be selling them as extra on the van. We have planted a number of interesting premium varieties of common crops. Keep a look out in this news letter and on our website and facebook for details…. or you can always call on site and see what extras we have for sale.
We collected the honey today, not from our own bees but one of the local bee keepers we work with. The bees that made this honey have been living in Raven Dale so not too far away. You can order jars this week £4.00 for a lb jar.
Our range of health or whole foods has slowly increased and we can sell you at very reasonable price; ORGANIC pasta, rice and various other staple items that you might otherwise buy from the supermarket. (Organic pasta, Our price 99p, Asda £1 to 1.20, Tesco £1.20 to £2). We hope to encourage a few more people to get into the habit of ordering such things from us. Not only are we often cheaper but also your money helps a good cause and more of that money goes back into the local community. Its a win, win, win….so what are you waiting for?
Elsewhere on site we have prepared and buried a log, impregnated with lions mane mushroom spores… hopefully in a few months, we will be able to sell a few of you some of this amazing superfood!
This weekend on Saturday, 10 til 12, there is a bug hunt and wildlife event for kids. Should be great fun. Discover the variety of bugs and ‘creepy crawlies’ in our environment .
Then make a picture of your favourite bug to be entered into The Wildlife Watch Magazine Competition.
If you are a budding photographer you might like to enter a photo instead. Feel free to pop by and have a look, or if you are young enough come and join in the fun!
Off site it has been really busy as we contribute to the local ‘In Bloom’ campaign. The judges have been visiting and so final hanging basket preparation and flower care has been going on. Fingers crossed for good results.
Thanks for your continued support!
Sean and Kylie
PS get a friend to try a box and we will give you a treat in your box the following week!
PPS New Suma Stock arriving next week!
PPPS Ask about our new £6 Salad Box
AND in the standard box this week;
THE STANDARD £8 veg box contains approximately:
750g NEW Potatoes
500g White Onions
1 Broccoli
250g Mushrooms
1 Orange Pepper
1 Primo Cabbage
1 Lettuce
250g Cherry tomatoes
500g Peas
Smaller and individual boxes may vary due to your likes dislikes and availability.